
Build Your Own Degree Based on Your Academic Interests and Future Plans

The College of Arts and Sciences’ 跨学科研究理学学士学位 (BSIS) is ideal for students who desire a non-traditional approach to learning within a broad range of disciplines. BSIS offers you the opportunity to “build” your own degree based on your academic interests and future 计划s and credit hours you have already accrued. BSIS program allows students to prepare for an extensive range of academic and career pursuits requiring functional knowledge of multiple disciplines. Students are prepared to be flexible and adaptable in an ever-changing workplace and can analyze situations or problems from different perspectives.

学生将完成四门核心课程, 选择两三个感兴趣的浓度, 通过研究, 实现, and writing develop a 顶石项目 that integrates the two-three disciplines. Areas of study may be selected from established minors offered at the University or other areas to be determined in consultation with the program director. There is great flexibility in programs that students may choose from, allowing them to individualize their studies in a way that is not possible with other programs.








Student discussing project at a table while another 3 students listen intently.

Students within the bachelor’s program in 跨学科研究 research, 应用, and integrate their concentrations into a 顶石项目 which crowns a student’s BSIS experience. The 顶石项目 demonstrates the student’s ability to create, 计划, 管理一个大项目, and then communicate the project’s results to a broad audience orally and in writing. BSIS program is varied but also comprehensive in that students have working knowledge of multiple disciplines that they analyze and integrate in their 顶石项目.

  • 4必修核心课程
  • 核心课程是完全在线和异步的
  • 秋季,春季或夏季入学
  • 在线提供学生咨询
  • 在线完成学位(取决于专业)
  • 发展多学科的工作知识
  • 培养学生的灵活性和适应性
  • Prepares students to analyze situations or problems from different perspectives
Courtney Simmons, 跨学科研究理学学士学位 major

I can't speak highly enough about my experience in the 跨学科研究理学学士学位 program at DSU. It has provided me with a well-rounded education that combines various disciplines and allowed me to explore my diverse interests and passions in depth.

Courtney Simmons, 跨学科研究理学学士学位 major2024届毕业生

拿B怎么办.S. 学位

B.S. in 跨学科研究 is a liberal arts degree which prepares students for a changing workforce and graduate programs. Graduates work in careers in higher education, K-12 education, business, or run their own businesses. The job opportunities are literally endless, due to the broad range of studies that may be pursued. Graduates can find employment in any field or industry and are often preferred candidates for jobs due to their knowledge of multiple areas of study and their ability to see connections not obvious to others. Some graduates have established their own businesses or created non-profit organizations based on an unfulfilled need they identified through their 顶石项目.


At DSU, we’re going to automatically consider you for scholarships. Students seeking the 跨学科研究 degree who have a 3.0 or higher GPA and are enrolled in the program are eligible for the Jutta Karnstedt-Ferretti BSIS Scholarship, 每年三月颁发的奖项. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.


BSIS is a university-wide degree program that enables students to create interdisciplinary specialties that prepare them for careers in a world that increasingly bridges academic disciplines. Students pursue two or three subject-area concentrations that represent academic interests they wish to integrate into a meaningful program.


Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s 入学要求.



The following courses are required to complete the 跨学科研究 major.


课程数量 科目名称 学分
国际清算银行300年 跨学科研究概论 3
国际清算银行310年 跨学科研究与应用 3
国际清算银行400年 应用跨学科研究 3
国际清算银行410年 顶石项目 3
Students must concentrate on two or three areas of study to be determined in consultation with the program director.


总计 66


课程数量 科目名称 学分
国际清算银行300年 跨学科研究概论 3
国际清算银行310年 跨学科研究与应用 3
国际清算银行400年 应用跨学科研究 3
国际清算银行410年 顶石项目 3
Students must complete the pre-nursing concentration requirements and two additional concentrations determined in consultation with the BSIS Program Director.

FCS 345:一般营养
MAT 300:应用概率和统计方法,
PSY 307:发展心理学
PSY 313:青少年心理学
PSY 403:人格理论,
FCS 326:儿童发展概论
CEL 300:人类成长与发展

Two concentrations (Minimum 20 hours for the first, minimum of 21 hours for the second) 41
总计 66


要获得这个学位, 你必须成功完成至少120个学分, including your general education requirements and the major requirements below.


通识教育 38-41
大学要求 1
主要的 66
选修课 12
总学位要求 120


通识教育 41
大学要求 1
主要的 66
选修课 12-15
总学位要求 120

For more information on degree requirements and specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, 咨询本科生 学术目录. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit 学术地图.


DSU学费 包括课程费用.

This program will require an online course fee of $5/per credit hour for courses that are online.

请以本科生为准 学术目录 其他课程相关费用.


Dr. 克伦克. 贝尔
Director of BSIS and Associate Professor of German Literature
P: bsis@gudongjiaoyi.com
T: (662) 846-4279

办公室: 扫帚厅333
1003 W. 向日葵Rd. 克利夫兰,邮编38733
