
Our M.S. 在刑事司法和犯罪学推进你的职业生涯 

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的刑事司法和犯罪学理学硕士是一个完全在线的课程,专为希望将职业前景提升到更高水平的学生而设计. 刑事司法领域是在高需求和需要承诺和有才华的个人引领它进入未来. 随着刑事司法系统的日益复杂, 对具有先进知识和专业知识的高技能专业人员的需求正在上升. 在线攻读刑事司法和犯罪学硕士学位可以帮助你在竞争激烈的就业市场中脱颖而出,并对刑事司法系统产生重大影响. Delta State also offers a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Criminology.




Credit Hours


Year Program

Why Get a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology at DSU? 

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的刑事司法和犯罪学硕士课程是一个特殊的课程,为学生提供了学术和专业优势的独特结合. By enrolling in the program, 您将在刑事司法就业市场上获得竞争优势,并发展对该领域产生积极影响所需的技能和知识. 以下是你应该考虑参加我们课程的一些原因:

  • Applications accepted year-round
  • Full-time and part-time options
  • Flexibility to complete at your own pace
  • Individual student advisement
  • A comprehensive curriculum
  • Research projects
  • Internship opportunities
  • Experiential learning opportunities
  • Prepares students for leadership roles
  • Promotes ethical decision-making

What Can I Do with a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice and Criminology? 

三角洲州的刑事司法和犯罪学硕士学位旨在为学生提供广泛的刑事司法系统内的职业选择. 学生在刑事司法和犯罪学硕士课程毕业感觉熟练, confident, 并且有能力应对现实世界刑事司法系统的挑战. 我们注重实践技能和现实世界的经验,确保我们的毕业生在他们选择的职业道路上取得成功. 我们的课程为学生在该领域的各种职业道路做好准备,包括: 

  • Police officer
  • Detective
  • Special agent
  • Correctional officer
  • Probation officer
  • Parole officer
  • Private sector security manager
  • Criminal justice researcher
  • Criminal defense attorney
  • Policy maker
  • Prosecutor
  • Judge

作为一名社会正义和犯罪学专业的学生,既具有挑战性,同时又有回报. 作为一名全职父亲和州禁毒官员, and a part-time Army National Guard soldier, 我能够在一个有时间表但灵活且有能力的在线课程中实现我的职业目标. 这个项目让我拓宽了我的知识面,运用了以前的工作经验,并为我未来的努力带来了新的东西.

Willie Dunbar, Class of 2021缓刑官,密西西比州第14巡回毒品法庭


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,我们理解负担得起的教育的重要性. 虽然我们目前不提供奖学金专门为我们的刑事司法和犯罪学硕士学位课程, 我们确实为州外学生提供负担得起的学费,不收取额外费用. In addition, 我们与学生密切合作,以确定和申请联邦和州财政援助计划, as well as student loans and state scholarships. 我们致力于为学生提供在多个行业中取得成功所需的所有工具, 包括获得负担得起的教育和财政支持.

Program Goals

Students who graduate from the program will possess 对刑事司法系统有全面的了解 be prepared for successful careers in the field. 学生将获得刑事司法理论的坚实基础, research methods, and policy analysis. Students will also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, ethical decision making, 以及在刑事司法领域取得成功所必需的专业技能. The program provides opportunities for hands-on learning through internships, research projects, 以及其他体验式学习机会,为学生在刑事司法领域的领导角色做好准备.


Admission Requirements

All students will meet all general requirements for admission to graduate school.

  1. 申请人本科累计GPA不低于3分.0 may be automatically admitted without additional requirements.
  2. Applicants with less than a 3.0 undergraduate GPA must:
    a. 提交一份简历和三份熟悉申请人学术或专业工作的教授和/或雇主的推荐信.
    b. Submit a personal statement/essay.


In the first semester of graduate study, 学生需要咨询刑事司法和犯罪学硕士课程的协调员, who serves as the advisor for the students. 学生将完成一份学习计划,其中协调员将详细列出要学习的课程和时间, over the course of their tenure as a graduate student.


Option A (Thesis)

Course Number Course Title Credits
Required Core Courses
CRJ 630 Theories of Criminal Behavior 3
CRJ 650 Organization and Philosophy of Criminal Justice 3
CRJ 655 Professional and Institutional Ethics 3
CRJ 670 美国刑事司法制度的历史分析 3
CRJ 675 Seminar: Issues in Criminal Justice 3
SSC 570 Methods of Social Research 3
SSC 669 Quantitative Research and Statistics 3
Electives: Graduate CRJ, PSC, or SOC courses 9
CRJ 690 Thesis 6

Option B (Practicum)

Course Number Course Title Credits
Required Core Courses
CRJ 630 Theories of Criminal Behavior 3
CRJ 650 Organization and Philosophy of Criminal Justice 3
CRJ 655 Professional and Institutional Ethics 3
CRJ 670 美国刑事司法制度的历史分析 3
CRJ 675 Seminar: Issues in Criminal Justice 3
SSC 570 Methods of Social Research 3
SSC 669 Quantitative Research and Statistics 3
Electives: Graduate CRJ, PSC, or SOC courses 9
CRJ 680 Practicum 6

Option C (non-Thesis/non-Practicum)

Course Number Course Title Credits
Required Core Courses
CRJ 630 Theories of Criminal Behavior 3
CRJ 650 Organization and Philosophy of Criminal Justice 3
CRJ 655 Professional and Institutional Ethics 3
CRJ 670 美国刑事司法制度的历史分析 3
CRJ 675 Seminar: Issues in Criminal Justice 3
SSC 570 Methods of Social Research 3
SSC 669 Quantitative Research and Statistics 3
Electives: Graduate CRJ, PSC, or SOC courses 15

Degree Requirements


  1. Fulfill the general requirements for a graduate degree at Delta State University.
  2. 完成指定的至少36个学期的研究生工作.
  3. 通过由教师委员会管理的专业领域综合考试. Each student is allowed three 参加综合考试的考生不得迟于 three semesters after completing course requirements. 注:选择完成论文作为毕业要求的学生免于期末综合考试.



Program Coordinator

Dr. Donna Ossorio
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology
P: dossorio@gudongjiaoyi.com
T: (662) 846-4065

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